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This page gives you an overview of hardware needed for a RS Production factory installation.

RS IoT – Plug and play box for machine signals


RS IoT is RS Productions standard hardware for capturing of machine signals. Machine signals and production events can also be captured in other ways. Read more about RS IoT - Technical Data.

RS IoT replaced the RS Blackbox in 2022.

Windows PCs

All RS Production clients run on Windows computers.

RS Production have several different user interfaces that run on Windows computers.

Office tools

Operator tools

Info screens


Real time factory TV-screens runs on Windows computer. Connect to any screen you prefer.  

Used to visualize status and losses in real time.


RS Production Mobile run on iPhone, Android or in any web browser.

Used to follow status and losses in real time + giving reason codes to stops + message system and push notices.

System Requirements

Install RS Production Windows client

"Thin clients" and static MAC addresses

RS Production Mobile user guide

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