BI-data Interface
This is a standard export functionality that can be used with any of the BI systems(Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Qlik) for data visualization to identify factory trends and spot business problems.
One can use this integration to regularly push data from RS Production to a remote destination by setting up a scheduled export with the destination details specified.
This function offers several different types of destinations
Destination | File and format | RS Production Edge Service Required |
Azure Blob Storage | CSV/JSON | No |
Azure SQL database | Database file | No |
FTP Server | CSV/JSON | No (but a FTP software) |
Local file folder | CSV/JSON | Yes |
Local SQL Server Database | Database file | Yes |
Azure Blob Storage
Good for you who want to use data from RS Production with something you develop on Azure.
To use this, you need a blob storage container on your Azure account and also create a SAS URL for the blob storage resource.
Create a storage account in your Azure portal
Create a container in the blob storage. The container name should be the same as the six digit RS Production installation number.
Add an Access policy on the container by specifying the start and expiry time for a user to access it.
Generate SAS URL by selecting the newly created access policy, saving the blob SAS URL, and adding it to the RS Production's setting.
Azure SQL database
Good for you who want to use data from RS Production with something you develop on Azure.
FTP Server
Good for you who develop something locally.
Local file folder
Good for you who develop something locally. This one needs a local RS Production Edge Service.
Read more about the Edge Service and its safe way to communicate with the cloud.
Read more about how to Install Edge Service.
Local SQL server database
Good for you who develop something locally. This one needs a local RS Production Edge Service.
Read more about the Edge Service and its safe way to communicate with the cloud.
Read more about how to Install Edge Service.
This feature can be found and configured in the Settings menu under the Integration section.
On activating the BI export, the below setting should be filled out -
Time interval
Select the time frame from the dropdown list to export x days of data regularly.
Last 30 days
Last 7 days
From yesterday
Export scheduling
Set the frequency for scheduled export to run on x days at x intervals.
Choose the external location from the available list and set its respective details needed for export.
Azure blob storage
File type - CSV/JSON
SAS URL - A link to the container of the Azure storage account where the files would be uploaded.
SAS stands for Shared Access Signature which provides secured access to the resources in a storage account. With SAS, one can control how a third person can access the data and set the permission and validity for it.
The customer creates a blob storage container in their Azure subscription and then creates the SAS URL for the blob storage resource.
Steps in order to create the container
Create a storage account in their Azure portal
Create a container in the blob storage
The container name should be the same as the installation number
Add an Access policy on the container by specifying the start and expiry time for a user to access it.
Generate SAS URI by selecting the newly created access policy, saving the blob SAS URL, and adding it to the RS Production's setting
Azure SQL database
Server name
Database name
FTP Server - Integration service is required
File type - CSV/JSON
Server name - FTP host
Directory - Mention the path where you want to receive the files
Local folder - works only on local installations
File type - CSV/JSON
Directory - Mention the path where you want to receive the files (currently works only on the location where the installation is setup)
SQL Server database - Integration service is required
Server name
Database name
This is included in the data export
RS Production exports the following data:
Setting - contains the info determining how the OEE should be calculated
Stop - contains the stop info that has occurred on every shift of the measure point
Worktime - contains the order/article info that has run on every shift of the measure point. Here the run is stored on an hourly basis.
StopOccasion(data needs to be checked)
1. Setting
Fields | Comment |
InstallationID | Installation GUID |
Installation | Name of the installation |
CalculatePerformanceFromWeightedProducedUnits | Indicates if the produced amount on all the measure points are calculated equally regardless of what speed they are defined to run on. |
MicrostopAsPerformanceLoss | Indicates if the loss for microstops are moved from availability loss to speed loss |
ReworkAsQualityLoss | Indicates if the loss for rework are moved from speed loss to quality loss |
2. Stop
Fields | Comment |
InstallationID | Installation GUID |
Installation | Name of the installation |
MeasurePointID | Measure point GUID |
MeasurePoint | Name of the measure point/machine |
IntervalStart | Start time of a stop |
IntervalEnd | End time of a stop |
TotalStopDuration | Total stop time duration |
StopReason | If a stop is microstop, then it returns as ‘Micro stops’ If there is a stop on no worktime, then it returns as ‘No active order’ If there is no schedule on a machine, then it returns as ‘No schedule’ If a stop is not categorized, then it returns as ‘Uncategorized’ If a stop is categorized, then it returns the stop reason code. |
Categories | Interrupt reason categories |
Station | Name of the station on which the stop occurred |
Comment |
ShiftID | GUID of the shift instance when the stop occurred If a stop is of a longer duration, then ShiftID returns as an array of shift instance guids separated by comma(,). |
3. Worktime
Fields | Comment |
InstallationID | Installation GUID |
Installation | Name of the installation |
MeasurePointID | Measure point GUID |
MeasurePoint | Name of the measure point/machine |
IntervalStart | Start time of the worktime |
IntervalEnd | End time of the worktime |
ShiftID | GUID of the shift instance |
Shift | Name of the shift |
ProductionOrder | Order number |
Article | Article number |
ArticleName | Article name |
ArticleType | Article type |
TotalDuration | The total duration(in seconds) |
ScheduledDuration | Time scheduled on the measure point |
ExcludedDuration | Time on which the stops were marked as excluded |
StopDuration | The total time when the measure point is stopped |
SetupStopDuration | The total time of changeovers |
NoWorkTimeStopDuration |
MicroStopDuration | The total time of all microstops combined |
ProductionTimeDuration | The total time when the measure point is producing |
UsedEffectiveTime |
ReworkedEffectiveTime |
ScrappedEffectiveTime |
OptimalProducedUnitsNoMicroStop |
OptimalProducedUnits | Amount of optimal produced units on time when machine was available |
ProducedUnits | Amount of produced units |
ApprovedUnits | Amount of approved units |
ScrappedUnits | Amount of scrapped units |
ReworkedUnits | Amount of reworked units |
4. Stop Occasion
Fields | Comment |
InstallationID | Installation GUID |
Installation | Name of the installation |
MeasurePointID | Measure point GUID |
MeasurePoint | Name of the measure point/machine |
IntervalStart | Start time of a stop |
IntervalEnd | End time of a stop |
Duration |
TotalStopDuration | Total stop time duration |
ScheduledDuration |
ProductiveDuration |
StopQuantity |
NumberOfProductiveOccasions |
OEE calculation
((ScheduledDuration - StopDuration- SetupStopDuration - NoWorkTimeStopDuration + MicroStopDuration) / (ScheduledDuration - ExcludedDuration)) * 100
It has 4 different calculations based on the settings as described in the “Settings” table.
If MicrostopAsPerformanceLoss & CalculatePerformanceFromWeightedProducedUnits settings are on:
ProductionTimeDuration + MicroStopDuration > 0 ? ((UsedEffectiveTime - (Settings.ReworkAsQualityLoss ? 0 : ReworkedEffectiveTime)) / (ProductionTimeDuration + MicroStopDuration)) * 100 : 100
If only MicrostopAsPerformanceLoss setting is on:
OptimalProducedUnitsNoMicroStop > 0 ? (OptimalProducedUnitsNoMicroStop > ProducedUnits ? ((ProducedUnits - (Settings.ReworkAsQualityLoss ? 0 : ReworkedUnits)) / OptimalProducedUnitsNoMicroStop) * 100 : 100) : 100
If only the CalculatePerformanceFromWeightedProducedUnits setting is on:
ProductionTimeDuration > 0 ? ((UsedEffectiveTime - (ReworkAsQualityLoss ? 0 : ReworkedEffectiveTime)) / ProductionTimeDuration) * 100 : 100
If none of the settings are on:
OptimalProducedUnits > 0 ? (OptimalProducedUnits > ProducedUnits ? ((ProducedUnits - (Settings.ReworkAsQualityLoss ? 0 : ReworkedUnits)) / OptimalProducedUnits) * 100 : 100) : 100
It has 2 different calculations based on the settings as described in the “Settings” table.
If the setting CalculatePerformanceFromWeightedProducedUnits is on:
UsedEffectiveTime - ScrappedEffectiveTime - (ReworkAsQualityLoss ? ReworkedEffectiveTime : 0) >= 0 ? (UsedEffectiveTime > 0 ? ((UsedEffectiveTime - ScrappedEffectiveTime - (Settings.ReworkAsQualityLoss ? ReworkedEffectiveTime : 0)) / UsedEffectiveTime) * 100 : 100) : 0
If no setting is on:
ProducedUnits - ScrappedUnits - (Settings.ReworkAsQualityLoss ? ReworkedUnits : 0) >= 0 ? (ProducedUnits > 0 ? ((ProducedUnits - ScrappedUnits - (Settings.ReworkAsQualityLoss ? ReworkedUnits : 0)) / ProducedUnits) * 100 : 100) : 0