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How-to connect a OPC Counter as producing unit cycle counter

This article aims to explain how-to use a OPC input counter and connect it to a measure point as a cycle signal.


These steps need to be completed before continuing

The article will not go in to depth how to add a new OPC value input. A more detailed explanation about how to create the OPC value address etc. can be found here:
How-to Register a input to read an OPC UA value

📘 Instructions

  1. First, add the OPC Counter input

    1. Go to Hardware \ OPC Server \ OPC Counter input

    2. Select “Create”

  2. Fill in the OPC input details

    1. Set the OPCsServer

    2. Set the OPC address

    3. Set the Inputmode to “Subscription”

    4. And then press save and close

  3. The OPC client now sets up the configuration and starts to listen to the OPC Input, in a couple of seconds the input will be updated with the values from the OPC-value.

  4. Now the OPC input counter is ready the value is updated, now time to connect the cycle counter to a measure point.

    1. Go to Hardware \ RS-BlackBox \ Cycle signal connections

      1. Select Create

  5. Select IO-Interface input and the Measure point to connect the cycle signal to

  6. That's all now machine 2 gets all the cycles collected on the “Cycle counter” input from the OPC server.

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