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Losses report

This is a feature in the RS Production OEE product.

The losses report is one of the “hero reports” in RS Production OEE showing WHY and WHERE efficiency (OEE) is lost.

It offers a combination of a simple front with strong flexible ways to drill down and identify patterns and thesis for root cause analysis.

How to use the losses overview report?

Facts for pulse meetings and decision making


Find the biggest losses


Follow loss trends


Options in the Losses report

The options below are for all different sub reports in the Losses report. They help you set how you want to look at your loss time (hidden capacity).

Group by reason codes and/or stations and/or categories

By default, the pareto diagrams in the overview report show information per reason code. Depending on how your RS Production OEE is set up, you might want to look at the same data from different angles. Read more about Reason codes, categories and station codes.

Group by enables you to see the loss statistics group on combination of reasons, stations and categories

Filter to see only selected reason codes/ stations

When you want

Filter to see downtime and/or speed losses


What information is shown in the Losses overview report?

Loss pareto (time + amount)

Use [+] and [-] buttons to show more or fewer reason codes/stations/categories.

Loss time and amount per week and month


Loss comments table


Loss categories table


How to use losses sub reports?

Losses - Trends report


Group by dimension

Group by time

Sort on dimension

Hover over a bar to get a detailed view of the losses.

Losses - Distribution report


Losses - Comments table report


Losses - Stoppages table report


Losses - Stop occassions report


All the rest of the Losses sub reports (Measure point, Section, Article etc)


See this data in table format and export it


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