"Extended Cycle Signal" – how and in which cases should this be used?
Extended cyclesignal works basically like the normal cyclesignal but has 3 more extra features
Multiple cyclesignals on one measuringpoint
The normal cyclesignal only supports one input for each measuringpoint but with Extended Cyclesignal you could have as many inputs connected as you would like.
It is possible to use this signal as only a producedunits counter and not calculate stops or break stops with the signal. It is enabled by default but could be disabled by just unchecking this column.
Cyclesignal at end of cycle
This feature is mainly used when there is long cyclesignals and it is important that the cycle is registered at the beginning of the cycle but it is only possible to get a signal from the machine at the end of the cycle.
This feature moves the timestamp for the cycle event back in time with the amount of the optimal cycle time. Should only be used in special cases and only on long cycletimes (1min or longer).
📘 How to use
To add a new extended cycle signal to a measuringpoint do the following:
Go to the menu Hardware/RS-BlackBox/Extended cycle signal
Click “Create”
Choose Measuring point and input
Click “Save”