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RS Production Office tools user interface

Office tools is the user interface for reports, analyses and configurations. It is designed to be run on a Windows PC with keyboard and mouse or equivalent.

Go here to read how toInstall RS Production Windows client for Office tools.

Sync indicator and download information

RS Production has a centralized model for storing and sharing data. All events and changes are shared in real time between all open clients. For this reason, Office tools must be constantly in contact with the server. This is needed so that Office tools can obtain the current situation from the measure points and so that the changes made in Office tools also take effect in Operator tools.

This is why there is a data sync indicator to show when there is a problem in contacting the server.

The data sync indicator is divided into two sections: an upper and a lower section.

Upper section – Data sync


Changes performed on own client

Changes to be synched to own client


All changes saved

All known changes read in



Start-up synch still not complete


Synchronisation in progress

Synchronisation in progress


Storage of changes has taken more than 5 minutes. There is a high-risk situation if the YELLOW status lasts for more than 20 minutes: in such a case contact support, do not close/cancel.



Contact support, do not close/cancel.

Contact support, do not close/cancel.

 Lower section – Server contact


The client has contact with the server


The client does NOT have contact with the server. Contact support, do not close/cancel.


Until the changes made in Office tools have been fully synchronised with the central server, they are stored locally. For this reason, no data will disappear if you close the program or lose contact with the server before the sync indicator is completely green.

Information row

Once the program has started, at the bottom left on the Information row there is an indication of how many data packages with older production data have been loaded and how many are still to be loaded.

A few good things to know about Office tools

Only the latest production data is loaded when the program starts

So that you do not have to wait for all historical production data to be downloaded, the program starts as soon as all configuration data and two months’ (this can be changed locally by an RS Production technician) production data has been loaded.

When the program opens, older production data will continue to be loaded. This can be restricted by setting an age limit for the data to be loaded.

Once the program has started, at the bottom left under the menu there is an indication of how many data packages with older production data have been loaded and how many are still to be loaded.

Please note – Reports and analyses with data older than two months can only be created once all data has been loaded

Only once all older production data has been fully loaded can reports and analyses containing all collected data be created. Until this has been completed, reports and analyses will not display complete information. Changes made before all data has been loaded are saved and not sent to other connected clients until all data has been uploaded.

Please note – If the client has been running for more than 24 hours without contact with the server, it has to be restarted

Office tools synchs current data with the central server. If for any reason Office tools has not been in contact with the server for 24 hours, synchronisation will not be restarted. This applies both if the network connection was down and if your laptop was switched off.

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