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How RS Production OEE fits in to your pulse and morning meetings


Informative and effective meetings are an essential part of working with improvements. But even though we all know this; we also know that having good meetings isn’t that easy.

There are a couple of main reasons why meetings don’t live up to their full potential:

  • There’s no interest from the participants

  • There are too much discussions

  • The meetings are too long

  • There is a sense of ”Nothing happens”

  • You don’t have any meetings

There is of course no quick fix, but there are a couple a thing’s you can start working with.

  1. Meeting agenda

It should be clear for everyone attending what the purpose of the meeting is and what is to be expected of the attendants, it also vey important to stick to the agenda whilst being open to changing it if something becomes irrelevant or doesn’t fit the meeting.

2. KPI’s and data

The data and KPI’s that are presented at the meeting must be relevant, if something is shown on the meeting but not discussed – it doesn’t not belong in the meeting. You must also make sure that those who are affected by the KPI’s must be able to affect them, there is no intrinsic value in rambling a lot of numbers. Also, always remember that goals should be reachable, they should not be “dreams”.

3. Escalation of deviations

If a deviation or other issue comes to light during a meeting it must be clear that someone or some function will be responsible for owning it and taking care of it. It must of course also be clear which person or function handles what type of deviation or issue.

How can RS Production help?

So then, how can RS Production help you in your endeavor to improve the efficiency of your factory and help with handling deviations?

  1. Digitization and automation of data collection

 The foundation of any meeting which aims contributing to continuous improvements is of course the fact and decision basis, i.e. the data. So, by automizing data collection and compilation; firstly no one will have to waste time manually collecting and compiling, secondly the exactness will be much greater and will thus remove any gut feelings and hunches which otherwise might have wrongfully taken precedence at the meeting.

 2. Automized information distribution

 Collecting data is one thing, using it is another, and there is no intrinsic value in collecting data. What use is a vast collection of tools if no one ever uses them, or worse, if no one even knows they are there? In RS Production it is possible to save reports to other users, so if someone or some group is tasked with creating a report standard they can also easily make the reports available to only those people who should see them, without making them visible to all user of the system.

RS production also have a built-in functionality for scheduling emails containing reports to be sent out. These scheduled emails can be sent to either users of RS Production or to non-users that would have an interest in analyzing the data in the reports.

 3. Data visualization

 A big part in making data available is of course to show it. In RS Production there are several ways of visualizing data. All the available reports can be saved and made available to be shown on a big screen, there are ready made Info Screen and there is also a tool for creating your own visualizations.

All visualization is of course updated in real time.


So, to conclude. By having automized data collection, compilation and distribution as well as easy to use and informative visualizations you can get the tools needed for conquering the common issues of bad meetings. By showing the right thing to the right people you will keep them interested, there wont be any unnecessary discussion which can lead to long meetings, and lastly by connecting the right data to right people in your escalation process you can get the ball rolling and start improving your production.  

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