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Six good reasons to invest in digital data-driven production


Manufacturing companies that quickly identify problems and take action to improve the situation have a competitive advantage. To make this possible, the right people need to have access to the right information at the right time.

1. 20% efficiency and productivity increase

When following up our customers' development, we see that with the right organisation and culture, they make lasting increases in efficiency and productivity by 10 to 15%, many times 20% or more when implementing digital data-driven production. The difference is mainly due to change in daily habits, such as having easy access to  clear and understandable facts when making decisions, including daily meetings, shift handovers, and improvement work.

2. Use your time for value-adding work

Make sure you and your colleagues spend your central part of the working day making improvements instead of doing labor-intensive data collection and compilation. Collecting and compiling production data is not value-adding for your customer. Using a modern system for data-driven production helps you to free-up non-value-adding time so that you can devote yourself and your team in implementing improvements.

3. Make decisions based on facts rather than opinions or gut feeling

Creating a standard view of production facts is a prerequisite for being able to focus the entire team on working at reducing waste, and focus on value-adding activities. Facts, not feelings will ensure the maximum results from your efforts. The human factor impacts the data quality considerably. Some research shows that 20 to 25% of all manual records to ERP systems contain conscious or unconscious errors.

4. Create participation and responsibility

Not using the full potential of employees is a huge loss in many companies. When people have easy and continuous access to relevant real-time information, it provides automatic accountability, enabling leaders to take a step away from specific operational problems, creating time to focus on strategy.

5. React faster and resolve problems quicker

Problems occur at any time – daytime, nighttime and weekends. With a production monitoring system, the right persons and roles can automatically get information as soon as the problem occurs. This capability enables teams to react faster and solve problems quicker.

6. Reduce stress and experience the value of being in control

You and your team can stay on top of production problems such as interruption or deviations as they occur, by having access to clear overview reports and access to real-time production data.

Uncertainty about a current problem is a stress factor that can be reduced. Instead of calling and disturbing co-workers, data-driven production systems enable you to monitor how a problem develops remotely and to offer relevant help when, where, and to whom that needs it.

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