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Addon CMMS Standard 2-way integration

This is an addon for RS Production OEE

Use data to increase efficiency for both production and maintenance

By connecting data from the maintenance system (CMMS) and RS Productin OEE, you take the collaboration between maintenance and production to a new level.

Let the maintenance system be the master for everything related to maintenance. Mirror data and connect with RS Production OEE to allow production to easily see and interact with maintenance plan.

Main features

  • Request and follow status of planned maintenance jobs from RS Production OEE

  • Perform and report back autonomous (operator’s) maintenance directly in RS Production OEE

Operator tools user interface

The CMMS addon adds a specific maintenance page to Operator tools.

On the left side of the page, the operator can follow status on requested, planned and executed maintenance jobs on the machine.

On the right side of the page, the operator can see planned autonomous (operator's) maintenance and report on them. The jobs are added and planned in the CMMS and shown to the operator in RS Production.

Request a maintenance job

The operator can request a job in the CMMS.

  • Title

  • Description

  • CMMS-object (select in a list imported from the CMMS)

  • Job type (select in a list imported from the CMMS)


See planned maintenance jobs

If there is a maintenance job planned on the measure point, it is shown together with additional information on the left side of the maintenance page in Operator tools.

  • When is it planned

  • What is the current status

  • Who is planned to do the job

  • What type of job is it

  • Links to more detailed job description + job history


Also, on the left side on production plan page in Operator tools (together with planned orders and assigned articles), today’s planned maintenance jobs are shown to make it visible for the operator.


Perform and report back autonomous (operators’s) maintenance jobs

On the right side of the Maintenance page in Operator tools, the operator can see planned autonomous (operator's) maintenance and report on them.

The jobs are added and planned in the CMMS and shown to the operator in RS Production.

Click on an Opertor job to open it.

Red rows are operator maintenance jobs that are over due.


The job instruction includes the following information

  • Maintenance job name

  • Job description (text)

The job is reported by writing a text with either the in-screen keyboard or an external PC keyboard.


Available CMMS standard integrations

  • IFS Ultimo

  • MaintMaster

  • More to come

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