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Addon Andon

This is an addon to both RS Production OEE and/or RS Production ACT.

Reduce losses with a communication channel that reaches the right person at the right time

When an operator easily can call for support resources, you will close leaks faster and reduce the extent of disturbances caused by quality defects, machine problems and material problems. It provides higher productivity and efficiency.

The Andon addon creates faster reactions and communication between production and various support resources. It’s a simple way to call for the right type of support at the right time.

By storing all calls and answers automatically, a completely new level of traceability is also created, which creates full transparency and subsequently provides a good understanding of the course of events.

Operator tools features

Andon calls from operators

The Andon plugin is a tool for invoking various support resources with predefined messages. You set up messages yourself in Office Tools. For example;

  • Need help with a quality issue

  • Need help from mechanical technician

  • Need a fork lift

The messages are then available to the operators through Operator Tools

Show messages as popups for operators

Incoming messages to the operator are shown as pop-up message in Operator tools, prompting the operator that there is a new important message.

Replying to the call can be done with predefined messages as buttons. Using the buttons the operator can respond back to the same Andon channel with a predefined message.

Listen to Andon calls in your phone, email or Office Tools

Depending on which measuring point you send from and which shift is in progress, the message is sent to different recipients.

The message is sent in RS Production message system based on Channels. For example;

  • Production line - Assembly - Daytime

  • Production line - Assembly - Night

  • Maintenance - Press hall - Morning

  • Maintenance - Press hall - Afternoon

  • Maintenance - Press hall - Night

Through Office Tools and RS Production Mobile, you put yourself as a subscriber on one or more channels. The channel's messages can be sent to you through;

  • Email

  • The messaging system in RS Production Mobile (note that this requires a user license for PK212 Mobile)

  • The messaging system in Office Tools

  • The messaging system in Operator Tools

Through RS Production Mobile, Office Tools and Operator Tools, the recipient can answer calls and have a dialogue with the operator. Of course you have to go out to the place, but “112” also have a dialogue with the caller while experts are on their way out.

You can have messages in the same channel sent in one or more of the distribution methods. If you want, you can choose to listen to certain channels via e-mail and other channels via the inbox in Office Tools.



The PT224-Andon plugin is a tool for manually calling support resources. RS Production also has the PT210 Alarm Escalation program extension, which automatically notifies the recipient when a disturbance is in progress.

Andon in Lean Production

Andon is the Japanese term for ensuring quality in production. The original purpose is to stop production and flow immediately if a quality defect is discovered.

Office tools features

Set up and configure

  • Pre-defined Andon messages

    • Message

    • Connect measure points/ section and work shifts to ensure it reaches the right people at the right time

  • Configure escalation chains (Events, Observations and Actions)

RS Production Andon glossary

Andon message

Predefined message that operators can send to the recipients listening to the channel or channels on which the message is sent.

Andon channel

A distribution channel that takes Andon messages from the operator to the various recipient units (RS Production Mobile, Office Tools, SMS and e-mail).

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