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Office tools measure point settings

This is feature is included in RS Production OEE and RS Production ACT.

Properties of measure points





RS Production OEE, RS Production ACT


Colour theme so that you can easily identify the measure point in visualizations.

RS Production OEE, RS Production ACT


Sections are used to create organizational groupings and structures of measure points. E.g. measure points for processing machines can be part of one section “Processing” and packing machines part of a section “Packing department”.

RS Production OEE, RS Production ACT

Cycle signal input

The cycle signal input on RS Blackbox which is linked to the measure point. This is empty if the measure point does not use a cycle signal from RS Blackbox

RS Production OEE, RS Production ACT

OEE target

The performance indicator used to determine GREEN or RED for the measure point’s OEE outcome

RS Production OEE

Measure point configuration

The set-up with additional settings that has been linked to the measure point. The measure point configuration can be shared with other measure points.

RS Production OEE, RS Production ACT

Measure point and Measure point configuration

Measure point configuration is a “supporting object” for the measure point in order to simplify the configuration when you have many measure points with the same settings. The same measure point configuration can itself be shared by several measure points.

Many properties are set on the Measure point object, but properties that are often the same for several measure points are set instead on the Measure point configuration object.

The table summarises the most important properties, times and amounts that are stored for the measure point.



Colour theme

Section (Section allocation)

OEE target

Data collection, machine signals, inputs on RS Blackbox

Connection to Operator tools terminals


Times and amounts

Produced amount

Scrapped amount


Stop time

Active order

Active article

Etc. ...


The settings used to convert collected machine signals to production data in RS Production are also set on the measure point object. 

As long as the article being run does not have a deviating value configured for the article in question, the measure point object’s value will be used.

This means that you set the general value on the measure point object and then set deviations on the article object.




Limit for production stoppage

The longest time for Micro stop that does not have to be assigned a reason code. If a Stop is longer than “Limit for production stoppage”, it becomes a Production stoppage and will need a stop reason.


Shortest stop displayed in terminal

A stop that is shorter than the “Shortest stop displayed in terminal” is not displayed on the page for stop reason coding in Operator Tools.

It is still a stop and is counted as an Availability loss in the OEE calculation. It is shown in the stop reports.

In the Downtime follow-up, the stop will be shown as a Micro stop (unless it has been assigned some other reason code).


Standard schedule

Reference to the schedule for planned production time that is to automatically repeat itself for the measure point.


Unit prefix

The character or text that is always written before produced amount.


Unit suffix

The character or text that is always written directly after produced amount. E.g. ‘Kg’ or ‘Meter’. A useful tip is to add a space as the first character to obtain a gap between the value and the unit (24 kg).


Longest cycle time

Sets the limit for how long you must wait for a new cycle before starting to count Stop time.


Optimal cycle time

The same as the equipment’s maximum design speed. Optimal cycle time is the definition of 100 per cent Performance in the OEE calculation.


Setup cycle on changeover

The number of cycles without interruption required to end the changeover stop and change the measure point’s status from Set to Ok

Please note that production that occurs during changeover time is registered as produced amount and therefore has to be scrapped manually.


The shortest permitted time between two cycles

Only used for filtering out noise when collecting by signal between cycles.

Please note that values smaller than a second cannot be specified. This can be resolved by a setting in RS Blackbox. Contact support for help in this respect.


Amount per cycle

Factor that recalculates the number of cycles to produced amount.

The figure may be more or less than one, but cannot be negative.

0.5 = two cycles are needed to produce one unit (e.g. 0.5 litres per cycle).

1 = Each cycle is one produced unit

2 = Each cycle produces two units

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